Division worksheets for kids

Grab our free printable division worksheets offering basic division, long division, divisibility rules, division word problems and more...

Our free division worksheets start with practicing simple division facts

Division flashcards-




click for more //Division Flashcards

Divisibility rules-

Divisibility by 2, 5 and 10

A number is divisible by 2 if the final digit (the digit in the ones place) is even. Numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 therefore are divisible by 2. A number is divisible by 5 if the final digit is a 0 or a 5. A number is divisible by 10 if the final digit is a 0.

Divisibility by 3, 6 and 9

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. For example, 285 is divisible by 3 because 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 is divisible by 3. A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by both 3 and 2 (see above rules). A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. For examples, 285 is not divisible by 9 because 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 is not divisible by 9.

Divisibility by 4, 7 and 8

A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number are divisible by 4. For 7, there are a couple of strategies to use.

A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits are divisible by 8. This is the standard rule which can be a little sketchy for larger numbers, like who knows if 680 is divisible by 8? Because of this, we offer our Math-Drills.com solution which requires a little arithmetic, but can be accomplished quite easily with a little practice. As you know 8 is 2 to the third power, so we thought if you could divide the last three digits of a number by 2 three times, it would be divisible by 8. 680 ÷ 2 ÷ 2 ÷ 2 = 340 ÷ 2 ÷ 2 = 170 ÷ 2 = 85. We have a winner! 680 is indeed divisible by 8.

Division worksheets-




Division Drills-




Division-Find the missing number worksheets-

Division-find the missing numberFind the missing number-1

Division-find the missing numberFind the missing number-2

Division-find the missing numberFind the missing number-3


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